Last weekend we went to a wonderful trial in Lethbridge hosted by the Go Dog Go kids.They have such a wonderful group there, they set a great example for agility clubs!
I just took Bizzie & Blast & stayed in a hotel (haven't done that for awhile)
Bizzie & I still have lots of work to do - we had no qualifiers all weekend, but our timing is really off, Biz is not paying attention very well & actually peed in the ring (after peeing right before our run). Not sure if she's still recovering from her puppies but I'll need to keep an eye on her.
Blast also did not run very well - he was really distracted, but it was a new site for him & anything new is always a challenge for him. He barked pretty much all weekend, which was very distracting for me as well as others I'm sure. I actually got lost on course 3 times, haven't done that for a very long time.
The up side to all of this is that ........ wait for it ................. Blast earned his ATCHC!
He needed one more gamble Q, & it wasn't pretty, but we got the job done. Thanks to Shirley Ann Redl for the nice course & to Wendy Devent from Paws on the Run Photography for the great photos - taken right after we Q'd.