Well, just as a lark, I sent in a DNA test on Blast a couple of weeks ago. It's super easy - just like on CSI, you get a cheek swab & send it off. You can include a photo, but I chose not to.
I've had so many people comment on his breeding - must be part Border Collie, or Sheltie, or whatever. Not that it matters to me - he is who he is!
So, here it is, drum roll please....... he's a Papillon!
The results show he is a Level 1, which means he's likely purebred, at least greater than 75% papillon. So there you have it!
Are You Capable of Achieving Greatness?
11 years ago
funny! so he's just a mutant is all :o)
Looks like a Papillon to me - amazing what science can tell us about things we already know!
no way! it is fixed!
kidding! as if there was any doubt, he is just big, like how Gyp is just small!!
Where did you send it? There are 4 different tests these days....
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