We've been dogsitting for a friend with a large Golden Retriever puppy - about a year old. I now remember why I have small dogs! This guy is a wonderful dog, very patient, affectionate, & playful, but he's soooo big! He jumps on my lap on the couch & I'm flattened!
It was very interesting to see the other dogs respond to this big muppet.
Blast wanted Rye to chase him, then tried to remind him who is the boss, puppy is so good, tries to get down really low, rolls over, etc. They had lots of fun wrestling.
Cactus, in standoffish sheltie style, just gives him an Elvis lip & leaves.
Boo just accepts him & when Rye & Blast are playing he grabs a toy & growls & shakes the daylights out of it!
Bizzie just returned from being bred (I know, I still think of her as a baby!) so if Rye even looks at her she's all teeth & yipping!
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